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ARC Cluster Club
Develop your technical skills and meet students with similar interests by joining the Cluster Club, and gain hands-on experience in High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud technologies! HPC clusters can perform the most demanding simulations and data-intensive analyses and are used in a wide range of academic disciplines and industry sectors e.g. modelling climate change, developing energy-efficient catalysts, or understanding pharmaceutical drug-target interactions.
The Cluster Club will meet in the afternoon of the last Wednesday of the month, starting on April 24th at 2:30 pm. No prior experience is needed, but if you do have some then that is great too! The Club sessions will be a mix of teaching new skills and opportunities to work on challenges, followed by a social with refreshments.The aim is to build community, and share knowledge and learning in teaching digital research skills.
For more information regarding future dates, times and registration, visit
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Where does the event happen?
Chandler House (UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences)
2 Wakefield Street
When does the event happen?
Your local time: 13:30
Your local time: 16:00
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