Welcome to BSidesMEsh21 workshops - a virtual event in 2021 as a collaboration between Elbsides and BSidesMunich and made possible with the help of our sponsors.
You will only be able to book one workshop or the CTF.
Once tickets for the workshops are sold out, there will be a waiting list.
In case you won't be able to attend the workshop, please be courteous and cancel your ticket with pretix and give the next person on the waiting list the chance to attend.
Enjoy your BSidesMEsh21 workshop and Be Excellent!
You can only BOOK WORKSHOP TICKETS here - for details on how to attend the livestream of BSidesMEsh21 on June 21 and June 22, 2021 please follow our websites and twitter accounts:
Where does the event happen? BSidesMEsh21 - virtual - organized by Elbsides (Hamburg) and BSidesMUC (Munich)
When does the event happen?
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