Welcome to the YumeKai ticket shop!

Here you have the opportunity to purchase your ticket for YumeKai on May 31, 2025, and June 1, 2025.

Information about YumeKai and Tickets
Further information about ticket sales can be found at yumekai.de/faq/. For details about the event, visit our website at yumekai.de.

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Since we offer personalized tickets, we reserve the right to conduct random ID checks at the entrance. Please have a valid photo ID ready.

Where does the event happen? Stadthalle Memmingen, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, 87700 Memmingen

When does the event happen?
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Earlybird II

weekend ticket

weekend ticket

This ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, and sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

Original price: 52,00 € New price: 45,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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saturday ticket

saturday ticket

This ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

Original price: 31,00 € New price: 26,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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sunday ticket

sunday ticket

This ticket is valid on sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

Original price: 26,00 € New price: 22,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Weekend Tickets

weekend ticket

weekend ticket

This ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, and sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

52,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Gold Ticket

Gold Ticket

With the YumeKai - GoldTicket, you not only receive a weekend ticket for YumeKai and our collector’s ticket, but also an exclusive convention bag, which you can pick up at the information desk at YumeKai. This bag includes, among other things, a ticket for our special cosplay ball, an autograph from a voice actor, a glass, a keychain, various stickers, a fabric wristband as a keepsake, and a random manga or anime item. Additionally, the GoldTicket grants you the advantage of early entry to YumeKai.

89,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Day Tickets

saturday ticket

saturday ticket

This ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

31,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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sunday ticket

sunday ticket

This ticket is valid on sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen.

26,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Discounted Tickets

Discounted Tickets are available for the following groups

  • visitros with a german severely disabled card, with marks B, H, G or aG
  • Children age 10-13:
  • The ticket is only valid if the child is accompanied by an adult person with their own ticket. Children below the age of 14 without an accompanying person are prohibited from entering the "Yumekai".

Children below the age of 10 are allowed free entry, if accompanied by an adult person with their own ticket.

We deeply regret that the part of the Yumekai situated in the Maximilian-Kolbe-Haus is not fully accessible for people with disabilities. Unfortunately, the building does not offer any possibility of creating barrier-free access. Nevertheless, all other areas of the Yumekai are barrier-free.

Holders of discounted tickets may be asked to present appropriate proof at the entrance e.g. disability card or identity card.

saturday ticket (children)

saturday ticket (children)

This discounted ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen. Please note all regulations that apply to discounted tickets.

9,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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sunday ticket (children)

sunday ticket (children)

This discounted ticket is valid on sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen. Please note all regulations that apply to discounted tickets.

8,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Saturday Ticket (severely disabled)

Saturday Ticket (severely disabled)

This discounted ticket is valid on saturday, the 31st of May 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen. Please note all regulations that apply to discounted tickets.

16,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Sunday Ticket (severely disabled)

Sunday Ticket (severely disabled)

This discounted ticket is valid on sunday, the 1st of June 2025, permitting You to visit the "YumeKai" in Memmingen. Please note all regulations that apply to discounted tickets.

13,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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