Strategic foresight workshops

The Europeana Initiative is in the process of developing its long-term vision in the context of the common European data space for cultural heritage. As we deploy the data space for the second year, we are faced with important questions: what does the future hold for data and metadata in the data space? How can the data space best deliver value to our sector and citizens, and how do we ensure meaningful connections with other data spaces? A structured look at the future and a long-term vision is planned to help us address these questions.

We invite you to attend one of the following workshops, led by Lauren Vargas (Your Digital Tattoo) who will guide us through a series of interactive exercises. Lauren is a long time friend of Europeana, a public speaker, podcaster, artist and an 'imagination activist'. With 20 years’ experience assisting organisations with their community, communication, and collaboration strategies, she uses her practice to further meaningful connection, purposeful inclusion, and digital civility.

There are two types of workshops. You will only be able to attend one session so that as many people as possible get an opportunity to contribute to the process. You’ll be joined by other heritage experts from within and outside of the Europeana ecosystem.

April workshops - what future(s) are we building towards?

  • 23 April 2024, 09.30 - 11.30 CEST
  • 23 April 2024, 14.00 - 16.00 CEST

The primary objective of the workshop is to identify critical elements and uncertainties that will be used to develop possible future scenarios. These scenarios aim to explore possible futures, considering various internal and external factors, to aid in strategic planning and risk management.

In a mix of small breakout groups and plenary discussions, you’ll be led through a series of activities designed to progressively deepen participants' understanding of the context in which we operate and its potential futures. Based on these workshops, up to four future scenarios will be developed: plausible, possible, probable and preferred.

May workshops - how do we get to our preferred future?

  • 15 May 2024, 09.30 - 11.30 CEST
  • 15 May 2024, 14.00 - 16.00 CEST

The workshop aims to identify and assess the elements required to respond to or live within the four scenarios. Through a mix of breakout rooms and plenary sessions, through the lens of the data space we’ll examine the necessary people (talent and skills), knowledge (information, data, insights, experience), tools (technology, processes, platforms), rules and norms (regulations, rulesets, guiding frameworks), and communities and connections (partnerships, ecosystems, alliances) needed to navigate future challenges and opportunities effectively.

The scenarios will be shared in advance of the workshop and we invite all participants to review these before the workshop.

Please note:

  • The workshops will be held completely online. There will be a short break after approximately one hour.
  • There are limited spots per workshop, so please cancel your registration if you are unable to attend.
  • We will ask you to use Miro, and will share a link to help you become familiar with this tool in advance.
  • There is no preparation required for the April workshops. For the May workshops, we ask you to review the developed future scenarios as preparation.

If you have any questions, please email

The booking period for this event is over.

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