Reviewing the Europeana Public Domain Charter

The Public Domain Charter was developed by Europeana in 2010. It sought to encourage contributing cultural heritage institutions to maintain the public domain status of cultural heritage in the digital realm, in particular in Europeana, and thus ensure that cultural heritage could be reused as widely as possible. It has since acted as a valuable non-binding policy statement for the Europeana Initiative.

While some of the challenges identified in the past remain today, others are no longer relevant and new ones have arisen. This leads to the need to re-evaluate the problem statement in the Public Domain Charter, and to take the time to see how well we, as a sector, are doing in respecting the principles expressed in the Charter.
During this session, members of the Europeana Article 14 Task Force will share some initial conclusions and consult members of the network in order to gain additional insights into the sector's impressions and ideas.

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