Copyright Office Hours: Reconciling openness with data protection and privacy

Just like with copyright protection, cultural heritage institutions, and in particular archives, might need to evaluate the extent to which some materials can be made available to the public through the lens of data protection, image and personality rights. While this type of protection, and therefore the solutions, differ from one jurisdiction to another, there are some general principles that are shared across European Union member states.

During this session of the office hours, we will present data protection guidelines for LAM organisations, developed in Finland, and give space for discussion to share common concerns and possible solutions. The Finnish guidelines are presented by Juha Henriksson (Director, Music Archive Finland), Outi Hupaniittu (Director of Archives, Finnish Literature Society), and Virva Salama (Legal Counsel, Finnish National Gallery).

Copyright and policy office hours are informal online sessions that seek to bring cultural heritage professionals together in discussing and addressing common challenges.To the extent possible, we encourage you to share your thoughts, examples and questions in advance through the registration form.

The Europeana Copyright Community’s ‘Copyright office hours’ offer you a space to ask questions about copyright and digital cultural heritage, get inspired by other approaches and share your knowledge.

You can join the session with any type of questions that are relevant to you on the theme selected, from very specific to very broad. On each call, one or more members of the Copyright Community Steering Group will be there to moderate the discussions and share their thoughts, point you to relevant documentation or showcase examples. Please note that this will by no means constitute any legal advice.

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Copyright Office Hours
