Theory, change and growth: the story of the Impact Playbook

Europeana started talking about impact in 2012. In the years since then, we have published and revised four phases of the Europeana Impact Playbook and made this available as an online resource. We have been working to embed impact in our work, the activities in which we are a partner, and across the Europeana Impact Community and Europeana ecosystem. As our practices evolve with trends and the changing context and world in which we work, it’s important that we, and our impact practices, remain grounded in the theory that underpins the Impact Playbook.

In this webinar, we’ll take the opportunity to look back and to the future with Simon Tanner, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage and Head of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at King’s College, London. Simon is the creator of the Balanced Value Impact Model (BVI Model), a methodology first published in 2012, specially created for the impact assessment of digitised resources and collections. The BVI Model informed and shaped the Europeana Impact Playbook and particularly the approach taken in Phase one.

In this webinar, we’ll hear from Simon about how the BVI Model and early Impact Playbook discussions started. We’ll consider what has changed in the digital heritage context and ask what this means for the type of values that the Impact Playbook and BVI Model emphasise. We might also consider what impact means - and how our understanding of the language we use in our impact practice has changed and advanced. What role, too, should or could other frameworks and types of value play in ensuring that we plan for and deliver the greatest possible impact for our stakeholders?

Join us on 11 June 2024 as we discuss this and more. We’ll be joined by Simon and two members of the Europeana Impact Community Steering group, Dr Jenny Kidd (Cardiff University) and Matilda Justinić, digital librarian and PhD researcher at the National and University Library in Zagreb.

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