Twin it! Café: Preparing for the Closing high-level event

The Twin it! Cafés (online) aim to provide hands-on support to Twin it! national contact points, Europeana national aggregators as well as domain aggregators and other colleagues involved in the Twin it! campaign. The Cafés provide a dedicated platform to ask questions, share doubts, concerns, and find practical and immediate solutions and answers to queries in relation to the campaign. The ultimate goal of the Twin it! Cafés is to support capacity-building in 3D publication, and empower participants to fully and timely contribute to Twin it!. The Cafés are upon invitation only.

As Phase 2 of the Twin it! campaign has now ended - which led to the publication of 3D models submitted by Member States in Europeana-, and ahead of the Closing high-level event of the campaign on 14 May 2024, this last Twin it Café will provide an update on where the campaign stands as well as next steps.

Ahead of the Closing high-level event of the Twin it! campaign which will take place on 14 May 2024 in Brussels, through this café we will:

  • Share our plans for and the objectives of the event;
  • Present the programme of the event, with a focus on the showcase of 3D models submitted by Member States;
  • Recall the requirements (technical and in terms of licensing) for 3D models to be showcased at the event;
  • Recall the timeline for ingestion of 3D models for these to be showcased at the event;
  • Respond to questions and concerns related to Phase 2 of the campaign.

This Café will be delivered by Valentine Charles, Data Services Director; Henning Scholz, Partner & Operations Manager, Ariadna Matas, Policy Advisor; and Aleksandra Strzelichowska Senior Adviser Online Marketing & Events of the Europeana Foundation.

The booking period for this event is over.

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