Policy office hours: Best Practices in Creative Reuse for Immersive Experiences

The Europeana Copyright Community’s ‘Policy office hours’ offer you a space to discuss relevant policy developments on copyright and digital cultural heritage with peers in the Eruopeana Network interested in the same matters.

During this session, the Europeana Copyright Community and ReCreating Europe are co-hosting a ‘Policy office hour’ session on the Code of Best Practices in Creative Reuse for Immersive Experiences. The authors of the code - Bartolomeo Meletti and Stef van Gompel - will briefly present the project and discuss how the code can help make informed decisions around the creative and lawful reuse of existing materials in immersive experiences. The conversation will be informal and will not be recorded. Artists, curators, cultural heritage practitioners and anyone with an interest in copyright and digital cultural heritage are very welcome to join with any type of question, thought or concern they may have on this topic.

The conversation will be informal and will not be recorded.

The booking period for this event is over.

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