Discover genuine journalism, full of emotions and told by the people who researched it. Meet Julia Kopatzki (Der SPIEGEL), Farangies Ghafoor (Der Tagesspiegel), Malte Herwig (podcaster & journalist), Eva Wolfangel (science journalist), Katharina Finke (journalist & author), Max Gödecke (fotographer) - and live music by @stegreif!
Please see https://www.jive.de/ for full lineup.

There will be two JIVE-show performances on 18th October '24 during the Hamburg's 2nd Press Freedom Action Week - one at 11.00 am and one at 8.00 pm.

Net revenues from ticket sales are being distributed directly to the journalists. This is the operating model of JIVE. We bring best journalism straight to you and use the proceeds to fund independent journalists.

Choose date to book a ticket