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Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation

NEMO - the Network of European Museum Organisations looks forward to welcoming you in Sibiu, Romania.

At the NEMO European Museum Conference we will together explore the power museums have to face polarisation: Which possibilities do museums have to navigate controversies and foster dialogue and debate? How can museums better respond when caught in the crosshairs of socio-political debate?

Find information, the programme and updates at
Don't hesitate to get in touch with questions via

Where does the event happen? Sibiu, Romania

When does the event happen?
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General tickets

Single ticket

Has your organisation considered joining NEMO? Don't miss out on the opportunity to receive 2 tickets free of charge as a NEMO member. Learn more about the benefits of a NEMO membership at (annual fee starting from 300 euro, based on annual income).


Student ticket

Please provide picture of your current student card as proof of student status.


Special offers for members of NEMO

NEMO members receive 2 free tickets per member organisation. Please provide your organisation's NEMO membership number (found in the annual membership fee invoice). If you have any questions, please get in touch with

Ticket first and second delegate of a NEMO member organisation

Two representatives per NEMO member organisation receive a free ticket.


Ticket additional delegates of a NEMO member organisation

NEMO member organisations sending more than two representatives, may buy additional discounted tickets.


Special offers for museum colleagues in Romania

We want to encourage participation from our colleagues in Romania to connect with their European colleagues.

People working in the Romanian museum sector and heritage organisations
