VRToglavi VRT
Spekulativna zgodba zvočne pohodne predstave VRToglavi VRT izpostavlja težaven odnos ljudi in rastlin, v katerem se okoriščajo predvsem ljudje. Zgodovinski potek kolonializma in preseljevanje rastlin temeljita na podrejanju in izkoriščanju narave. V luči zavedanja ekološke krize in možnega boljšega scenarija za prihodnosti je nujno spremeniti ta odnos. V želji po približevanju svetu rastlin se VRToglavi VRT dotakne časovne dimenzije. Skozi prizmo potovanj teh dveh, tako različnih časovnosti ljudi in rastlin, ki navidezno ne ponujata možnega srečanja, spekulira razvoj prihodnjega, solidarnega sobivanja ljudi in rastlin. Rastline, najbolj poseljena vrsta tega planeta, živijo predvsem svojo časovnost in svoje, nam tako nedostopne poti. VRToglavi VRT nas popelje po poteh možnega scenarija prihodnosti našega prenapetega, hrupnega planeta, ki se zrcali v razvoju lokalnih zelenih poti. Se lahko kaj naučimo od rastlin za bolj solidarno prihodnost?
🇬🇧 EN
The speculative story of the soundwalk performance garden GOround points to the problematic relationship between people and plants, which is geared to mainly benefit people. The colonialism itself and the human-mediated dispersal of plants capitalize on the subjection and exploitation of nature. It is vital to radically change this attitude if we want to deal effectively with the existential threat of ecological crisis and contemplate a brighter scenario for the future. To become more familiar with the world of plants, garden GOround goes into the temporal dimension. Through the prism of the journeys of these two utterly different temporalities of humans and plants, seemingly offering no possible point of encounter, it speculates on the development of a future solidarity-based coexistence of humans and plants. Plants, the most populous species on the planet, live at their own pace in their own time, walking the paths we cannot access. garden GOround will take us along the paths of a possible future scenario for our overstressed, noisy planet mirrored through the development of local greenways. Can we learn from plants to build a more solidarity-oriented future?
Where does the event happen? Tomšičeva ulica, Ljubljana (zbirno mesto ob Tomšičevem drevoredu)