VRToglavi VRT
VRToglavi VRT je zvočna pohodniška predstava, ki nas vabi v premišljevanje o odnosu med ljudmi in rastlinami, izkoriščanju narave ter ekološki krizi. Predstava skozi zvok oživlja spekulativno zgodbo o svetu prihodnosti, kjer nas okolica zaradi hrupa in nevarnih frekvenc sili v uporabo posebnih slušalk, ki utišajo, hkrati pa izostrijo slušno izkušnjo.
Udeleženci se s pomočjo teh slušalk podajo na zvočno pot, ki prepleta zgodbe iz preteklosti in prihodnosti, jih vodi skozi nevidno zvočno krajino in ustvarja edinstven preplet glasbe in naravnih zvokov. Zvočni sprehod je več kot le poslušanje—je način, kako vstopiti v dialog z okolico ter prisluhniti prostoru na nov in poglobljen način.
🇬🇧 EN
gardenGO round is a sound walk performance that invites us to reflect on the relationship between humans and plants, the exploitation of nature, and the ecological crisis. Through sound, the performance brings to life a speculative story about a future world where our environment has become so noisy that we will require special headphones to both soften and sharpen the auditory experience.
Participants embark on a sound journey, guiding them through an invisible soundscape that intertwines past and future narratives, blending natural sounds with music. A sound walk is more than just listening—it’s a way to engage with the environment and hear the world around us in a new, profound way.
Where does the event happen? Tomšičev drevored, Ljubljana (zbirno mesto: https://maps.app.goo.gl/xK7xmUyACubPbVKe6)