7. KomS-Webinar - Removal of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants

Topic: Measures for reducing emissions of micropollutants into urban waters – current state in Europe


Welcome and agenda // Dr. Marie Launay, KomS Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Current state at the EU level // Dr. Alberto Pistocchi, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy)
Current state in Sweden // Dr. Michael Cimbritz, Department of Chemical Engineering - Lund University (Sweden)
Current state in Germany // Dr. Felix Tettenborn, Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe (Germany)
Micropollutant Strategy of Baden-Württemberg // Dr. Ursula Maier, Ministry of Environment Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Current state in the Netherlands // Cora Uijterlinde, STOWA Foundation for applied water research, Amersfoort (NL)
Current state in Switzerland // Aline Brander, VSA-Plattform, Dübendorf (Switzerland)

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