ECO Platform Round Table #5 - "Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) and EPD"
ECO Platform Round Table #5
+++ free for ECO Platform Members +++ please note that you have to register for each Round Table individually - thanks! +++
8 April 2025: Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is held by many to be a key solution to climate change. However, EN 15804+A2 is currently clear that temporary carbon storage and delayed emissions (i.e., the discounting of emissions and removals), and permanent storage of biogenic carbon cannot be included in the GWP results in EPD, which means that the use of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage [BECCS] cannot be considered in EPD. The characterisation factor for carbonation of cement-based materials is not clear in EN 15804, and the standard does not clarify if any types of biogenic carbon can become fossil carbon. There are also many questions about how fossil carbon capture and utilisation (fossil CCU) should be modelled in EPD - for example, should the benefits be taken by the product which doesn't emit fossil CO2 or by the product which captures the fossil CO2? Can the benefit be allocated between the two reflecting the economic value of the capture CO2 or is carbon content an inherent property that cannot be allocated between product systems? And again, for biogenic carbon, it is clear, based on the current rule in EN 15804+A2, that no benefits from biogenic carbon capture and utilisation can be shown in EPD. In addition, the proposed Carbon Removals Certification Framework will allow companies to certify both permanent and temporary carbon storage at product and building level - how could this Framework be integrated with EPD addressing CCUS in future to ensure that the benefits of carbon capture can be reflected consistently and fairly across the built environment, without double counting or undercounting.
The events are free of charge for all ECO Platform members; the ticket price for external participants is 69 EUR + VAT / event. ECO Platform Members shall enter the promo code before adding the ticket to the cart!
Please note: the link to the Round Tables will be sent to registered participants shortly before the event.
Billing Information: Please ensure that all invoice-relevant data (e.g. company name, VAT ID, city) is entered in the lines for the address during the checkout process so that it appears on the invoice. Thank you!
Where does the event happen? Online - Zoom
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