EqualDigital is a train-the-trainer project funded by the European Union. It aims at filling the gap in the need for trainers to impart digital skills on a low-threshold level and in a gender and diversity-sensitive manner. Four European partners FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e. V. (FCZB) from Ger-many, Pirkanmaan muotoilu- ja taideteollisuusyhdist ys Modus ry from Finland, Media Partners SRL from Romania, Tartu Oskar Lutsu nimeline Linnaraamatukogu from Estonia will design and test a curriculum and the necessary learning materials for a scalable IT-trainer qualification to develop their competences for gender- and diversity-appropriate IT-trainings. More than 30 persons in the four partners’ countries will have the opportunity to qualify as IT-trainers for particulary vulnerable target groups through free participation in our testings. The project’s outcomes (OER) can be used in a long-term, reliable and valid manner all over Europe.
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Online Event via Big Blue Button. The event starts at 9:00 am CET time!
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