Ice Bathing

Ice bathing, also known as polar swimming or cold-water immersion, is an activity that involves immersing oneself in freezing water, usually a lake or the ocean. It is a popular activity in many countries, especially in colder climates, and is believed to have numerous health benefits.
When you chose Göteborg for your stay abroad, you should recognize that we have:
Cold climate ✔
Lot of lakes and even access to the sea/ocean ✔
High quality of living ✔

So perfect conditions for doing ice bathing and already the proof that crazy but popular activity really has its benefits. Ice bathing is basically the optimal initiation ritual to test your ability of becoming a true Viking.

The question is: Do you dare?
On Wednesday, January 25th, we will be hosting an ice bathing event at Delsjön (Tramstop Bogatan + 20 minute walk). The event will begin at 12:00 AM and will last for about an hour. Participants are encouraged to bring their own towels and warm clothing to change into after the swim. Also, a hot drink afterwards is recommended.

Check-list for ice bathing:
- Wear your swim gear already under your clothes
- Wear warm but loose clothes, wear several layers if necessary (skinny jeans are not the best choice)
- Bring warm (wool) socks
- Afterwards a warm drink like tea or coffee is perfect to warm up
- Flip Flops or comparable shoes are pretty helpful to save your feet from the cold
Before getting into the water, we will have a brief safety briefing and demonstrate proper ice bathing techniques. The water will be approximately 4 degrees, so it is important to be careful and not stay in the water for too long.
Despite the cold temperature, many people find ice bathing to be a refreshing and invigorating experience. It is said to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and even help with depression and anxiety.
After this experience you can already call yourself a true Viking!
If you're feeling brave and want to try something new and exciting, we invite you to join us for this unique and memorable experience.
Please note that this event is not recommended for those with certain medical conditions or if you feel already slightly sick.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Delsjön (Tramstop Bogatan + 20 minute walk)

When does the event happen?
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This event is free of charge, but please register to attend as the number of participants is limited
