The Department of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (Fisppa)
of the University of Padua
is pleased to invite you to support the conference:

** "Eternity between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos"
** (Eternity between Space and Time: from Consciousness to Cosmos)

The 3-day event includes:
- the participation of 2 NOBEL awards
- 8 scientific discussions
- 18 thematic interventions
- the involvement of 31 luminaries
- the video conference connection with an international audience
- An Italian-English and English-Italian live interpreting service.
- The ability to access the works in streaming until 30/9/2022

Chairs, Discussants, Lectures:


Kurt Appel

Professor of Fundamental Theology

Department of Systematic Theology and Ethics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Giuseppe Barzaghi

Dominican friar, Philosopher and Theologian

Director of the School of Anagogy, Italy.

Piero Benvenuti

Professor of High Energy Astrophysics

Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei” DFA, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Guidalberto Bormolini

PhD in Spiritual Theology

Ateneo S. Anselmo, University of Rome, Rome, Italy.

Patrizia Burra

Professor of Gastroenterology

Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Massimo Cacciari

Philosopher, Politician and Professor emeritus of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy, San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.

Dora Capozza

Professor of Social Psychology

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Mauro D’Ariano

Professor of Theoretical Physics

Department of Physics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Diego De Leo

Professor emeritus of Psychiatry

Griffith University, South East Queensland, Australia.

Santo Di Nuovo

Professor emeritus of Psychology

Department of Education Science, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.

Federico Faggin


co-founder and CEO of ZILOG, Cygnet Technologies and Synaptics, Milpitas, California.

Fabio Farinati

Head of Unit of Gastroenterology

Director of the Department of Surgical Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences DISCOG, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Gabriele Gionti

Researcher in Cosmology and Quantum Gravity

Jesuit School of Theology, University of Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, United States.

Giulio Goggi

Professor in charge of “Philosophical Aesthetics” and “History of Philosophy”

Studium Generale Marcianum, Venice, Italy.

Luigi Grassi

Professor and Chair of Psychiatry

Institute of Psychiatry, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.

Ilaria Malaguti

Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Daniela Mapelli

Professor of Neuropsychology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

Rector of the University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Piero Martin

Professor in Experimental Physics

Department of Physics and Astronomy “Galileo Galilei”, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Raffaele Mauro

General Partner at Primo Space, Milan, Italy.

Leonardo Messinese

Professor of History of Modern Philosophy

Lateran University in Rome, Italy.

Paolo Navalesi

Professor for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector Anaesthesiology

Department of Medicine, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Luca Palmieri

Professor of Electromagnetic fields

Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Alberto Peratoner

Professor of Metaphysics and Philosophical Theology and Philosophical Anthropology

Theological Faculty of Triveneto, Padua, Italy.

Mario Plebani

Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Egidio Robusto

Professor of Psychometrics

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

Leopoldo Sandonà

Professor of Philosophy

Theological Faculty of Triveneto, ISSR “Mons. Arnoldo Onisto”, Vicenza, Italy.

Damiano Sacco

PhD in Theoretical Physics, Affiliated fellow

Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI), Berlin, Germany.

Roberto Tommasi

Professor of Philosophy

Theological Faculty of Triveneto, Padua, Italy.

Andrea Toniolo

Dean of the Theological Faculty of Triveneto and Professor of Fundamental Theology

Theological Faculty of Triveneto, Padua, Italy.

Gabriele Veneziano

Theoretical Physicist

CERN Theory Division, Geneva, Switzerland.

Giuseppe Vitiello

Honorary Professor

Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello”, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy.