Ever wanted to know what is like to quit your job and start a game company?
Come hear presentation from CEO of Paahtimo Games, Mika Savolainen who tells about his exprience after quiting day job and going full time indie dev. Hear about how he managed to survive for a year and what did he accomplice during that time. He will tell about his experiences developing Mushy Score and his upcoming game.

Also come hear about Sakura project by Aliasgar Khimani. Project that tries to connect students, developers and companies.

IGDA Lahti October gathering is organized at Green Star Hotel, Lahti on 18.10. Doors open at 18:00 and presentations start at 18:30. After presentations there is time to do networking or come share your game demos! Event closes about 21:00.

Where does the event happen? Green Star Hotel Lahti
Vesijärvenkatu 1, Lahti, FI 15100

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