EclipseStore Fundamentals

In this online training course, you will learn how to get started coding with EclipseStore. Dive into the world of high-speed, in-memory database apps, and microservices with EclipseStore in our intensive 4-hour online course. As the pioneering Java persistence engine, EclipseStore enables the storage of any Java object-graph or single subgraphs natively, simplifying and accelerating the programming of any database application.

Course Content

  • Functional principle and architecture of EclipseStore
  • Download and setup EclipseStore
  • Create a new object graph (in-memory-database) and storage instance
  • CRUD operations
    • Add new objects to your object-graph (CREATE)
    • Edit objects (UPDATE)
    • Remove objects (DELETE)
  • Store objects and subgraphs persistently into the storage
  • Using Lazy-Loading to reduce memory consumption
  • Using Java 8 Streams API for searching and filtering data
  • Migrating existing MicroStream projects to EclipseStore (latest version)

Course Objectives

  • Learn the functional principle of EclipseStore
  • Create a suited object model
  • Learn how CROUD operations work
  • Use Lazy-Loading
  • Use Java 8 Streams API for querying data
  • Migrate existing MicroStream projects to EclipseStore (latest version)
All participants will receive a participation certificate.


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EclipseStore Fundamentals

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EclipseStore Fundamentals

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EclipseStore Fundamentals

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