Opening of the Festival: Wild Technologies

The opening is aimed at anyone with a professional and strategic interest in robots, drones, AI, and IoT, and requires registration. The various talks are both in Danish and English. See the program for the language of each talk.
Hear different experts' perspectives on how we can best implement technological solutions now and in the future to address key societal challenges.

Program for the Opening of the Festival: Wild Technologies – Solving Wild Problems, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM:

Welcome by Festival Director and Moderator Louise Overgaard

Political Welcome (language models and different languages) by Alderman Rabih Azad-Ahmad, Culture and Citizen Service, Aarhus Municipality (DK + other languages)

The technological developments and societal challenges of AI by Chairman and Professor Willem Jonker, AiNed, University of Twente (En)

“The global AI race… and Denmark” by Deputy Director Casper Klynge, Danish Business Authority (DK)

Wild Technologies between public and private - seen from Aarhus' perspective by Mayor Jacob Bundsgaard, Aarhus Municipality (DK)

Three Ignite talks:
Automation Potentials
Robots and AI in Healthcare
Can robots help alleviate the staff shortage in the healthcare sector?
Potentials in robots
by Festival Director and Moderator Louise Overgaard, Professional Leader Søren Peter Johansen, Danish Technological Institute, Professor Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuth, SDU Robotics, and CEO Niels Jul Jakobsen, Capra Robotics (DK)

Social Robotics and Ethics by Professor of Philosophy Johanna Seibt, The School for Culture and Society, Aarhus University (EN)
Panel: What competencies do Wild Technologies require? by Association Director Hans Ravnkjær Larsen, Danish IT, Manager Sarah Fourian, fourian., Director Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, DIREC, Alexandra Institute, AU, and Member Pippi Hyllested, Danish Youth Council (DK).
Conclusion by Festival Director Louise Overgaard (DK)

  • Subject to changes

The festival 'Wild Technologies' is created in collaboration between Aarhus Municipality, Innovation, Technology and Creativity (ITK), Govtech Midtjylland, Odense Robotics, Danish IT, Dokk1, Aarhus University, Techcircle, CitcomAI, and several other actors within the robot and tech industry.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Dokk1
Hack Kampmanns Plads 2
8000 Aarhus C

When does the event happen?
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