UdK 2030 Future Day

On 12 November we will be holding the fourth UdK2030 Future Day. Students from different degree programmes are designing the programme. In this year's edition, we will jointly delve into three thematic focal points that are important to us: Climate, Digitalisation, Diversity. We invite all university members to participate in workshops, panel discussions, video screenings and artistic interventions, which we would like to present to you here on this page: www.udk-berlin.de/universitaet/udk-2030/gaeste-und-programm-2021

Before you register, please note the following information:

  • As a university day, the Future Day is an internal university event. Unfortunately, external guests cannot participate. Participants please register under "Contributor/Performer".

  • The event is divided into 4 time slots over the course of the day. All time slots must be booked individually. If you would like to participate in the entire Future Day, please book all time slots individually.

  • You do not need to bring your purchased ticket to the event - either as a printout or on your mobile phone. Once booked, your name will appear on a guest list which will be checked at the entrance. A 2G-check will also take place there. You will receive a coloured wristband for the respective time slots, which will be shown at the hall entrance.

Choose date to book a ticket