English speaking tours ON MONDAYS ONLY (on a regular basis) - for any other days please contact us.

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Guided Evening Tours (also in English on any Monday!)

Presales has ended. Please choose a different date.

Where does the event happen? Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h, 81671 München

When does the event happen?
Begin: Your local time: 19:00
End: Your local time: 20:30
Admission: Your local time: 18:45
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from €0.00 to €12.00
Solidarity ticket

With a solidarity ticket you help us maintain our educational work in astronomy.

3 currently available


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regular fee


3 currently available


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children and youths up to 16 years of age, pupils, students, apprentices, volunteering service people (e.g. voluntary social yearI, disabled persons, retirees, members of other astronomical clubs.

3 currently available


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Familienpass regular (adults)

Ermäßigung nur gegen Vorlage eines gültigen Familienpasses an der Kasse.

3 currently available


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Familienpass reduced (children)

Ermäßigung nur gegen Vorlage eines gültigen Familienpasses an der Kasse.

3 currently available


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City Tour Card, München Card or City Pass

You need to present the card / city pass for admission.

3 currently available


Add Tickets, City Tour Card, München Card or City Pass to cart
"Ferienpass" (school children during holidays only)

Ermäßigung / Freier Eintritt nur in den Schulferien gegen Vorlage des gültigen Ferienpasses an der Kasse.

3 currently available


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members of Bayerische Volkssternwarte; carers who accompany a disabled person

Vereinsangehörige (an Kasse Mitgliedsausweis nötig);
Begleitpersonen von Menschen mit Behinderung;
Zweite Person bei Gutscheinbuch (Coupon nötig)

3 currently available


Add Tickets, members of Bayerische Volkssternwarte; carers who accompany a disabled person to cart