Spider Festival 2021

Festival Spider letos praznuje 10. obletnico. Ja, to ni mala stvar. Da pa bi si lahko obetali novih 10 let radikalnega arta in plesa radikalnih teles, vas prijazno prosimo za pomoč s prispevki, ki bodo v celoti namenjeni postavljanju festivala. Vse velja, od »daš kolkr daš« do »mam ful«. ;) Hvala vam za dosedanjo in bodočo podporo. Se vidimo med 16. in 20. junijem!

This year, Spider Festival is celebrating its 10th (TENTH!) anniversary. But none of this happens without your support. In order to preserve the festival's future of radical art and radical dance of radical bodies, we kindly invite you to help us with donations, all of which will be spent entirely for the organisation of the festival. A little goes a long way. ;) Thank you, and see you in June!

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Plečnikovo letno gledališče za Tivolskim gradom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tivoli Park Ljubljana; Plečnik's Theater, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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