Spider Festival 2024

Festival Spider je odprt za vse. Vstopnico lahko zato kupiš po principu plačaj-kolikor-hočeš. Ampak – spoiler alert: prihaja trenutek za vsakdanje modrosti – kaj v resnici hočem? Kje se ta hočem sreča z lahko in bi in tudi bom? Nič nam ni treba in ravno zato lahko? Naj odgovor olajšamo. Vsi prispevki od vstopnic so namenjeni pripravi in izvedbi festivala ter podpori naši ekipi, ki neumorno dela, da bi se vsi_e imeli_e dobro.

Izberi svojo vstopnico za Festival Spider, podpri Festival Spider, pridi na Festival Spider.

The Spider Festival is open to everyone. You can buy a ticket on a pay-what-you-want basis. But – spoiler alert: here comes a moment for everyday wisdom – what do we all really want? Where does this ‘want’ meet with ‘can’ and ‘would’ and ‘most definitely will’? We don't have to, and that's precisely why we will? Let's make the answer easier: All ticket sales go for the preparation and implementation of the festival and the support of our team, which works tirelessly to ensure that everyone at Spider Festival has a good time.

Get your ticket for Spider Festival, support Spider Festival, and come to Spider Festival.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Plečnikov avditorij za Tivolskim gradom, Park Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Plečnik's auditorium behind Tivoli's castle, Park Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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