DjangoCon Europe 2018

Welcome to the ticket shop for DjangoCon Europe 2018!

You can find all information on the conference on our webpage. The early bird prices are currently planned to be available until end of January.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Stadthalle & Dezernat 16

When does the event happen?
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Student/No regular income Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops)

Please select this ticket if you are currently enrolled as a full-time student or if you are currently without regular income. This ticket does not cover our costs for the conference, but we'll be able to provide it to you thanks to other people paying more for their ticket than the minimal price.

incl. 19% VAT

Add Student/No regular income Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops) to cart

Individual Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops)

Please select this ticket if you are paying your ticket from your personal money and are not being reimbursed by your employer. If you want, you can increase the ticket price as you like. With the additional money, we can afford offering cheaper tickets to students and other people who could not afford to join otherwise. Thank you for doing so!

incl. 19% VAT

Add Individual Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops) to cart

Business Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops)

Please select this ticket if your employer is paying for the ticket or reimbursing you for your conference expenses. If you want, you can increase the ticket price as you like. With the additional money, we can afford offering cheaper tickets to students and other people who could not afford to join otherwise. Thank you for doing so!

incl. 19% VAT

Add Business Ticket (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops) to cart

Business Ticket Supporter (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops)

If you or your employer want to especially support us doing this conference, you can choose this ticket type. It gives you everything the other tickets do as well, but it includes one post on our conference job board for your company.

incl. 19% VAT

Add Business Ticket Supporter (Talk days only, no sprints + workshops) to cart

Student/No regular income Ticket

Please select this ticket if you are currently enrolled as a full-time student or if you are currently without regular income. This ticket does not cover our costs for the conference, but we'll be able to provide it to you thanks to other people paying more for their ticket than the minimal price.

incl. 19% VAT

Add Student/No regular income Ticket to cart

Individual Ticket

Please select this ticket if you are paying your ticket from your personal money and are not being reimbursed by your employer. If you want, you can increase the ticket price as you like. With the additional money, we can afford offering cheaper tickets to students and other people who could not afford to join otherwise. Thank you for doing so!

incl. 19% VAT

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Business Ticket

Please select this ticket if your employer is paying for the ticket or reimbursing you for your conference expenses. If you want, you can increase the ticket price as you like. With the additional money, we can afford offering cheaper tickets to students and other people who could not afford to join otherwise. Thank you for doing so!

incl. 19% VAT

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Business Ticket Supporter

If you or your employer want to especially support us doing this conference, you can choose this ticket type. It gives you everything the other tickets do as well, but it includes one post on our conference job board for your company.

incl. 19% VAT

Add Business Ticket Supporter to cart

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