Usage of Zoom as virtual hosting tool

Virtual hosting of conference sessions will take place in Zoom (

Attending the virtual conference does not require a zoom account and can be accessed with the link provided 1 week before the conference. SBA Research will not forward or provide any participant personal data information to Zoom. 


The ARES & CD-MAKE 2021 conference takes place exclusively virtually. The conference sessions will be held online. You will receive the access information 1 week before the conference


Zoom Privacy Policy details:


Zoom Contact details:Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

Attention: Data Privacy Officer

55 Almaden Blvd, Suite 600

San Jose, CA 95113

representative in the EU:

Lionheart Squared Ltd

Attn: Data Privacy

2 Pembroke House

Upper Pembroke Street 28-32


DO2 EK84

Republic of lreland



You can contact the Zoom Data Protection Officer by sending an email to