Usage of hopin as virtual hosting tool

Virtual hosting of conference sessions will take place on Hopin (, powered by AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology - partner of sec4dev:

The sec4dev 2021 takes place exclusively virtually. The conference sessions will be held online. To participate, you will need to register with Hopin as the platform provider for access to the sessions. However, SBA will not transfer your data to Hopin. A link to the Hopin conference registration will be sent to you per e-mail by SBA as a follow up to your registration and confirmation.

Hopin will process personal data as a controller when you participate in the sessions. Please refer to the Hopin Privacy Policy for further details:

Virtual Sessions (Hopin Limited; Hopin Ltd of Seedcamp Office, 5 Bonhill Street, Shoreditch, London, England, EC2A 4BX)