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Vouchers for the STIHL brand world

Here you can purchase vouchers for the STIHL brand world.
The vouchers are valid for three years after purchase.
The voucher entitles to enter the STIHL brand world and can be redeemed directly at the checkout counter.

Where does the event happen? STIHL Markenwelt
Badstraße 115
71336 Waiblingen

When does the event happen?
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Ticket voucher for adults

This voucher is valid for adults.

10,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Voucher for reduced-price tickets

Reduced prices apply to STIHL employees and family members, students, people in a voluntary year of social service, pensioners and people with disability.

5,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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Ticket voucher for groups

This voucher is valid for groups of 10 people or more. The price refers to the individual visitor within the group. Individual visitors or small groups less than 10 people please book individual vouchers.

8,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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