
Death! Disease! Executions! It’s all getting out of hand in medieval Europe. Berliner Wenches, Nortburga and Bertegilde, decide they have had enough, and take matters into their own hands. The journey begins! But where will it take them, and will they get lost on the way? …Oouuh, the DRAMA!

Bertegilde: Bianca Waechter
Nortburga; Maya Le Roux
Bogdana: Derya Celikkol

Regie: Antonia Reinisch
Written by: Maya Le Roux and Bianca Waechter
Play in English

Where does the event happen? Theater im Kino e.V.
10247 Berlin
Rigaer Sraße 77

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Regular ticket

Regular ticket

When selecting your payment method, please note that a SEPA bank transfer can take between 4 and 12 days. If payment has not been made by the day of the performance, you will not be able to receive a ticket in advance.

12,00 €

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Reduced Ticket

Reduced Ticket

Discounts are available for students, school pupils, trainees, pensioners, people with severe disabilities, recipients of ALG1 and transfer benefits (»Transferleistungen«). When selecting your payment method, please note that a SEPA bank transfer can take between 4 and 12 days. If payment has not been made by the day of the performance, you will not be able to receive a ticket in advance.

7,00 €

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Solidarity Ticket

Solidarity Ticket

If you like, you are welcome to support us with a few extra euros (pay what you want). When selecting your payment method, please note that a SEPA bank transfer can take between 4 and 12 days. If payment has not been made by the day of the performance, you will not be able to receive a ticket in advance.

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