Wikimedia Hackathon 2025

Wikimedia Hackathon 2025

Welcome to the Wikimedia Hackathon 2025 registration!

The Wikimedia Hackathon is organized by the Wikimedia Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia User Group Turkey (WMTR) and is taking place in-person in Istanbul, Turkey, from May 2nd to May 4th, 2025 at the Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel.

Registration will be open until mid April 2025 or until we reach event capacity. Each person that attends the Hackathon is required to register. We’ll have discounted room codes for those that want to stay at the hotel venue, to be announced in the coming weeks.

The Hackathon is primarily an onsite, in-person event. Those people who cannot attend the Hackathon in-person will be able to follow some of the program content online, but should not register with this form. More information will be provided closer to the event on how to participate remotely.

The Hackathon event is free for all to attend. Catering will be provided during the event and covid-related equipment (e.g. self test kits, masks) will be available upon request. By following the registration process, you will be able to book your free ticket for the Hackathon event and, optionally, apply for a scholarship.

Participants are expected to book their own travel arrangements and accommodation. However, the Wikimedia Foundation is offering to take care of travel and accommodation for a limited selection of scholars - you will be able to apply for a scholarship during this registration process.

Scholarship applications and WMF staff sponsorships will only be available to request until December 10th, 2024.
- Priority will be given to scholars who can mentor or support in areas of high demand and staff with ambitious or impactful projects.
- All scholarships provided will adhere to the WMF travel policy guidelines.

Scholarship to this event will cover:
- Roundtrip airfare between your city of residence and Istanbul, Turkey - arriving on May 1, 2025 and departing on May 5, 2025.
- Private accommodation at the conference hotel for up to 4 nights .
- Medical Insurance Coverage for any scholars traveling outside of their home country. Scholars local to Turkey will need to use their regular insurance coverage.
- Airport transfers between the Istanbul Airport (IST) and the conference hotel.
- All meals will be provided for the duration of the event (lunch, drinks, snacks, and dinner will be provided on event days; breakfast will be provided by the hotel for guests staying there). In addition, dinner will be provided on Thursday before the Hackathon officially kicks off.
- Fees associated with obtaining a visa to travel to Turkey (visa application fees, and travel to in-person travel visa appointment (if needed)). Read the official site about your country's visa needs.

Scholarship to this event will ''not'' cover:
- Per diem costs on travel days.
- Ground transportation costs between your residence and home airport.
- Insurance for your personal possessions.

The information that you provide - while filling out this form - will not be shared publicly and will only be accessed by the Hackathon coordination team (WMF staff), and, if you apply for a scholarship, by the scholarship committee. If you are awarded a scholarship, your information will also be shared with Wikimedia’s contracted travel agency and the conference hotel for the purposes of booking your travel, as well as our duty of care provider for medical insurance coverage.

The registration and scholarship application form runs on Pretix (a free, open-sourced third-party platform that helps organize and manage events) which may subject your data to additional terms. For more information on WMF’s privacy and data-handling for the Hackathon, please read the privacy statement.

To continue registration on this form, please click on “add to cart” and then “continue” in order to fill in the required fields (ignore the invoice information section).

If you encounter any issues while registering using this form, or have questions about the registration process, feel free to contact the coordination team at

Where does the event happen? Istanbul, Turkey

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar


Regular ticket
