Uncertainty: on a current diagnosis and ways of coping with turbulent times
We live in times of global uncertainty – this is the tenor of many current debates. The discussion event revolves around these diagnoses of the times, the many forms of current uncertainties and strategies for societies and people to deal with them.
There are many reasons why perceived certainties about the course of social, economic or political developments are losing their power of orientation (or have already lost it). Whether it is the consequences of climate change, current wars, political polarization and erosion of democratic institutions, the yet unknown effects of technological innovations or the challenges of global health crises: Uncertainty has become a defining characteristic of our time.
Where the grounds for decision and action are missing, a need for orientation emerges – in individuals, groups and societies. This need goes deep and requires taking new perspectives on uncertainty.
Among the guests are:
Prof. Dr. Teresa Koloma Beck (Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Armed Forces Hamburg)
Dr. Colin von Negenborn (University of Hamburg)
Prof. Dr. Shalini Randeria (Central European University, Vienna)
The entry is free. The event is barrier-free.
The event is part of the new interdisciplinary and international scholarship program “Uncertainty” of the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS. The foundation runs the program in cooperation with the Bucerius Law School.
Where does the event happen?
Bucerius Law School (Moot Court)
Jungiusstraße 6
20355 Hamburg, Germany
When does the event happen?
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