We'll work on figures for both Forró Universtiário, Roots and also on concepts like musicality and connection. We'll work on multiple steps turns and variations (5,7,9.. steps) and also on important roots concepts like sacadas, arrastes and other core roots fundamentals.
Angehörige der HTWK und der UNI Leipzig können sich auch über den jeweiligen Hochschulsport anmelden.
Gustavo, Bekki & Mischa are three experienced dancers from Forró do Chamego Leipzig e.V. They have been dancing for multiple years and have participated in multiple forró festivals in Europe and Brazil. They look forward to sharing some of their forró love and knowledge with you!
18:00 to 18:30 freedance - warm up
18:30 to 20:00 Intermediate I course
There is change of place on 18.04.2024 to the Wasserstadt Leipzig -
There will be more info on first day of the course (11.04.)
There is no course on 09.05.2024
it is possible to book the whole or half course. It is expressly desired that the entire course is attended. This ensures continuous learning and the quality of the course, as the content builds on each other. However, it is not a single workshop - so it is not a problem to miss a lesson.
Apart from a comfortable hug, it's expected for you to already know the following: giro paulista, caminhada roots, trava, facão, chanel and some different 5 step turns like Chicote.
We want to provide a good experience for everyone and want everybody to learn as much as possible.
Please do not attend classes that do not match your technical skills.
At our social dance (Monday and Thursday evenings) all dancers are happy to dance together regardless of dance technique or dance experience!
We expect you to have at least one year of regular dancing and course experience.
Ideally you have have participated both in the Anfängerkurs (beginners course) and in an Aufbaukurs (advanced beginners course).
Where does the event happen? Lessingstraße 7 leipzig
When does the event happen?
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