Game Jam - Choose Your Player –
Develop games together for a weekend. From June 21 to 23, you can turn your own game ideas into reality with young game devs.
The theme: elections and democracy.
Participation is free of charge. Accommodation and food are covered. And we can also pay for your travel espanses up to €50.
Anyone aged 16 to 27 can take part. It's cool if you have previous experience with developing digital games. But it's not necessary.
What kind of game are you making?
Choose Your Player - the Game Jam in Apolda
Your Gamejam-Team
Spawnpoint | Arbeit und Leben Thüringen | Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen | Bauhaus Gamesfabrik
More information and timetable:
The registration ist not possible anymore
Where does the event happen? Eiermannbau , Auenstraße 11, Apolda, Thüringen
When does the event happen?
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