5th NERD Conference – New Experimental Research in Design

NERD Take Five
4-5 May 2023

Berlin Open Lab
Berlin University of the Arts
Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin

A conference by the Board of International Research in Design (BIRD) in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute) and the Technische Universität Berlin (Einstein Center Digital Future).

Please notice this is an in-person event

The particular epistemic and innovative potentials of Design Research are meanwhile well recognised within the wider academic sphere and are in constantly growing demand by industries, societies and politics alike. Especially in unraveling times of crisis like these, new perspectives, ways of thinking and forms of action are indispensable in order to negotiate possible pathways and futures.

Yet, design research is also a field and practice that, due to its in-between nature, lacks the clear boundaries. Recognising this inherent openness as one of its key qualities, the New Experimental Research in Design (in short: NERD) conference aims at providing a genuinely diverse and open platform for discussing, reflecting on and exposing to a wider public the manifold ways in which design’s unique perspective and proficiencies can insightfully be applied as a research competence. It does so by inviting presentations of (empirical) research projects by in particular younger researchers from around the world and from all areas of design research with a focus on methodologically and thematically original approaches. This explicitly includes experimental theoretical work as well as critical and evocative contributions.

The emphasis on the experimental is based on the conviction that the discussion about the merits and possibilities of design research is one that has to be led by example: What constitutes a fruitful method or approach only becomes apparent by it actually being conceptualised, operationalised and eventually materialised, be it as empirical inquiry, field study, laboratory experiment, theory design or even piece of literature. For the same reason, NERD is decidedly not narrowed to a certain topic or school of thought, since the qualitatively new often exceeds such preconceived categories.

Developed and realised by BIRD, the Board of International Research in Design for the eponymous design research book series published by Birkhäuser, as an annual event with changing venues, this conference format has already proven its productivity four times. ‘NERD Take Five’ will be carried out in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute) and the Technische Universität Berlin (Einstein Center Digital Future).

Conference Committee: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Uta Brandes, Tom Bieling, Sandra Groll, Ralf Michel, Wolfgang Jonas, Marc Pfaff
Conference Team / Berlin: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Ines Weigand, Berkay Soykan, Athena Grandis

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Universität der Künste Berlin (only in-person, no streaming)
Berlin Open Lab
Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin

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Registration for NERD Conference
