Roller Derby World Cup 2025 Innsbruck –
Roller Derby World Cup hosted Fearless Bruisers (July 3rd - 6th 2025)
Four days of derby extravaganza surrounded by the alps. For the first time ever the Roller Derby World Cup will take place on European mainland. Innsbruck, Austria, is not only known for its breathtaking landscape in the midst of the alps, but also for its derby team, whose visions of grandeur are undaunted. The Fearless Bruisers are as dedicated to Roller Derby as they are dedicated to making every event extra special.
The World Cup Pass Adult - Regular is available starting 01/02/2025. This ticket is valid for all four days of the Roller Derby World Cup (July 3-6, 2025).
One-Day passes will be available starting 01/05/2025.
Potential VOLUNTEERS for the event should not purchase passes now. Volunteer ticketing will be handled separately. Please contact
if you have any questions regarding volunteering.
Tickets ARE transferable. Your name is not on the ticket so you can purchase tickets for other people. The number of tickets which can be purchased by one person is limited to 10.
If you bring a companion with you due to a disability, your companion will be granted free entray at the event.
Valid as an IVB ticket (public transport) in the Innsbruck core zone 1.5 hours before and after the event.
Where does the event happen?
Olympiaworld Innsbruck
Olympiastraße 10
6020 Innsbruck
When does the event happen?
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