
Welcome to the 2023 Symposium on New Concepts in Prokaryotic Virus-host Interactions

The last few years have seen groundbreaking revelations in the biology of prokaryotic viruses, which have expanded the frontiers of phage research. Among these are the discoveries that viruses can employ small molecules for collective decision-making, viruses can generate intracellular molecular complexes that challenge the boundary between prokaryotic and eukaryotic life, and an array of novel anti-viral immune systems that operate at both the unicellular and multicellular level.

The DFG priority programme SPP 2330 is a research consortium focusing on “New concepts in prokaryotic virus-host interactions – from single cells to microbial communities”.

The purpose of the 2023 Symposium on New concepts in prokaryotic virus-host interactions is to bring together the emerging community of researchers studying fundamentally new concepts and mechanisms in phage biology.

Topics that will be covered include viral cell biology , new unicellular and multicellular anti-viral defences, and viral impact on microbial communities. The Symposium will begin on October 2nd, 1:00 pm, and will end October 4th in the afternoon. A social event – boat cruise with dinner on the Wannsee – is planned for October 3rd in the evening (optional).

The program will comprise talks from invited speakers, as well as short talks and posters selected from submitted abstracts. On Wednesday October 4th there will be a joint session with the DFG funded priority programme SPP 2002 – Small Proteins, an unexplored World.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Harnack-Haus
Ihnestr. 16 – 20
14195 Berlin