Das große Büffeln Festival 2024 –
It's the same game every year. We sit in the plenum and ask ourselves how we are actually going to finance the whole thing. With prices soaring all around us, our calculations don't get any easier. We don't want to exclude anyone from the festival because of financial possibilities, but at the same time we have to calculate somehow so that we don't end up with a huge pile of debt. The prices quoted are already as low as possible - even cheaper = no Büffeln.
All the people involved in organising the festival work on a voluntary basis for a whole year to make the festival possible. For us, this is the annual utopia that gives us so much that we don't even think about making a profit.
This utopia has to somehow come to terms with the external circumstances of our world, which means we need money.
If you have a few more euros to spare, consider getting a slightly more expensive ticket, it makes a huge difference to us. The price of each ticket is freely adjustable, you can decide for yourself if and how much more you want to pay. If you are i a financial situation that makes it impossible for you to buy a ticket, feel free to write an e-mail to tickets@bueffeln.info, we will find a solution. ❤️
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Büffel-Crew is happy to see you!
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Where does the event happen?
Wohnsiedlung 4,
17379 Wilhelmsburg
When does the event happen?
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