Absolutely sensational, what this band from Berlin and Potsdam belts out on stage: WNBL throw crisp funk, juicy modern jazz with fat horns and crackling electronics into one pot, and out comes pure energy!
Not long ago the nonet was called Wanubalé, now they leave the vocals to the audience - so you hear all the more ooohs and aaaahs. You can hardly get out of the amazement, so compelling is the sound of WNBL: Two drummers and bass whip the band forward, four horns play precise movements and fiery solos, in addition there are virtuosic-groovy keyboard and guitar parts. Now and then there's singing, which sometimes comes across as rap. The result is equally exciting, playful and exstatic.
WNBL - the Berliners catapult the perfect melange of jazz, funk and electronics not only on stage, but also on the dance floor.
Moses Yoofee - key
Max Feig - g
Niko Zeidler - ts
Anton Kowalski - bs
Gabriel Rosenbach - tp
Jonathan Steffen - tb
Moritz Schmolke - b
Philip Schilz - dr
Heinrich Eißmann - dr
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Where does the event happen? Zehntscheuer Ravensburg
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