"Digital music education" (without Feedback-Sessions - Selbstlernkurs)

A guide for educators to develop their own engaging and interactive online music courses.

Teaching with technology, online education and digital learning are developing rapidly and are becoming today’s students' essential tools for obtaining information and acquiring education. In this course, we will present educators with a comprehensive guide for designing their own interactive and engaging online music courses. The course will deal with problems and possible solutions when designing practice-based music courses and will present methods to transfer information, create interaction, engage with students, assess, and provide feedback. Participants will be required to create their own course structure and design lessons that are relevant to their own field. Participants will follow interactive online lessons, complete quizzes, and submit assignments.

Dies ist ein reiner Selbstlernkurs.

Im Wintersemester 2024/25 ist eine zusätzliche Online-Session für den direkten Austausch mit Yaniv Nachum buchbar: https://pretix.eu/netzwerk4.0/lehrzertifikat-94/

The goals of this course are:
• Enable teachers to create and design their own effective digital learning course.
• Delivering an overview of the development of digital learning.
• Provide understanding of practices and methods for online teaching development.
• Provide educators with tools to interact, engage, assess, and feedback their students in an online environment.

Educators who successfully finished the course will:
• Understand the fundamentals of digital learning course design
• Understand the context, development, and application of online learning modules
• Be able to develop and design their own engaging and interactive online courses

Yaniv Nachum (Conservatorium van Amsterdam)

Zielgruppe/Target group:
The course is offered to all educators within the music field who are interested in expanding their knowledge on online and digital learning and for educators who would like to create their own online courses. The skills and knowledge provided in this course are relevant for different teaching situations such as individual, groups, practical and hybrid lessons.

There is no prior knowledge required for following this course.
Please note that the course language is English.

self-directed course/Start selbst gewählt
Course available/Die Kursinhalte sind verfügbar bis 31.12.2025

[Bitte berücksichtigen Sie, dass es nach erfolgter Anmeldung bis zu 2 Wochen dauern kann, bis der Zugang zum Kurs freigeschaltet wird.]

Online self-directed courses (worksheets/templates/assignments, assessment/test scores)

Themenfeld und Arbeitseinheiten/Subject area and work units
Lehren und Lernen/ Teaching and learning
16 AE (for self-learning course)

Kontakt bei Fragen zum Kurs:
Netzwerk 4.0
Dr. Verena Mogl
0151 22154793

Kontakt bei Fragen zum Lehrzertifikat:
Team des Netzwerks 4.0

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