Open Data Hub Day 2024

Do you work in data management, research or software development? Then mark your diary and save the date for Wednesday, 22nd May.

Why? Because you are invited to the Open Data Hub Day at NOI, a best practice event to help you understand and make the most of the world of data.

Open data is an increasingly important issue for those working in business and research, and we will be exploring this topic with experts and representatives from leading companies and NOI's scientific partners.

Topics will include case studies, best practices, the latest technologies and state-of-the-art software for managing and sharing data.

Interested in holding a lightning talk of 15 minutes?
Check out our Call4Speakers including the topics we are especially interested in and submit your proposal by 30th March:

Where does the event happen? NOI Techpark (Seminar Room 1)
A. Volta-Str., 13/A
39100 Bolzano | Bozen

When does the event happen?
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Open Data Hub Day ticket
