R Dev Day @ Imperial 2024


R Dev Day @ Imperial 2024 is an open, collaborative event for people interested in contributing to base R. Both new and experienced contributors are welcome!

This is a satellite event to London satRday, which is on Saturday, April 27th. After completing registration for the dev day, the displayed success message will include a discount code you can use to get a 40% discount off tickets to London satRday. Make a note of the code!

Registration will remain open until Sunday 14 April.

Planned schedule

10:30 - 11:00 Welcome coffee
11:00 - 12:30 Kick-off session (introduction to ways to contribute and allocating people to work groups)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 17:30 Work session (coffee break mid-way)

Thanks to Jumping Rivers (organizers of London satRday) and Imperial Central RSE Team, refreshments and lunch are provided.

Organizing Team

Heather Turner (Department of Statistics, University of Warwick)
Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (Central RSE Team, Imperial College)
Diego Alonso Álvarez (Central RSE Team, Imperial College)

Please contact h.turner.1@warwick.ac.uk for any queries (or find me on the R Contributors Slack: https://contributor.r-project.org/slack).

Where and when

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? SALC 10
Seminar and Learning Centre
5th floor, Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar


Regular ticket
