Lecture by Prof. Dr. Selma E. de Mink (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)

Friday, 8. March 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Munich Public Observatoy, Rosenheimer Str. 145h, 81671 München

When seeing stars in the night sky over Munich on a clear evening, you may be able to pick out some of the constellations. Those with sharp eyes may even notice the stars have subtly different colors, such as the red supergiant star Betelgeuse that makes the shoulder of the Orion constellation. Some can even be seen to be double, such as Mizar and Algol in the big dipper (großer Wagen) that forms a multiple-star system.

In this talk, I would like to share some of the latest advances in our understanding of stars and binary systems. What does a star like Betelgeuse look like if you were close? - I will show movies from our latest computer simulations of the boiling surface. What is a binary system? - I will explain why astronomers now think that almost no star is alone. How are the lives of binary stars different? - I will show what a so-called vampire system is, where one star becomes younger by ‘eating’ the outer layers of its companion. What are gravitational waves and what does that have to do with binary stars? - Come to my talk and I hope to give you a taste of all these exciting new insights.

The talk will be in English, but the speaker will be happy to take any questions in German.

Tickets: € 8/ 5
Admission from 7:45 p.m.
Advance booking recommended due to the limited number of seats.

Vorverkauf beendet. Aufgrund der Kontingentbeschränkungen ist leider nicht garantiert, dass Restkarten an der Abendkasse verfügbar sind.

Wo findet diese Veranstaltung statt? Volkssternwarte München, Rosenheimer Str. 145h, 81671 München

Wann findet diese Veranstaltung statt?
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8,00 €


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5,00 €

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