Concert Madame Baião

The day are getting shorter, with us the nights are getting even more brilliant: We are thrilled to announce Madame Baião for our last concert of this amazing Forró year of 2024. They stand out on the Forró scene not only for their formation - four women - but above all for the care, sensivity and work of their repertoire. Enjoy the energy and incredible voices of Madame Baião with us on an all female evening, opened by the amazing DJ Valeri.

The quartet Madame Baião (@madamebaiaobcn) stands out on the Forró scene in Barcelona and Europe not only for its formation - four women - but above all for the care, sensivity and work of its genre. The group revisits the great names of the genre, with a list that includes classics, new songs and „B-Sides“ of Forró Pé-de-serra in authentic and personal arrangements. In a sea made by harmonies of voices, percussion, accordion, bass and cavaquinho, the group also navigates through forró „cousin“ genres, ich as coco, maracatu, samba, caboclinho, among other styles of Brazilian popular culture. Madame Baião has already been on stage of various festivals, such as O Fole Roncou, Festival Sereia, Buskers Bern, Forró d’Ouro, among others.

20:00 open doors and playlist
20:30 - 22:00 DJ Valeri
22:00 - ca. 0:00 Concert Madame Baião
0:00 - 01:00 DJ Set

Unfortunately, its forbidden to bring your own drinks and food. There will be a bar inside the location. Thanks for your understanding

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Bürgersaal Fürstenried
Züricher Straße 35
81476 München

When does the event happen?
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from €20.00 to €25.00
Spätbucher / Late Bird


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