Good Old Days

(05.12. + 12.12. + 19.12. // 10:00 - 11:15)
Age: 20+
Block courses consist of four course units that build on each other in terms of content.

The perfect workshop for adult beginners and returnees. Those who do not feel comfortable in regular skate sessions among the advanced skaters can improve their skills in a protected setting alongside like-minded people.

Thank you for your booking. Please don't forget the current Covid regulations.

[The offer is subject to change in respect to new Corona regulations!]

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Skatehalle Berlin, Revaler Strasse 99, 10245 Berlin, Deutschland

When does the event happen?
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Good Old Days


GOD - reduced

This reduced ticket is available for people with a Berlinpass or a disability card and for members of 1. BSV.


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