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Release 1.3.0 of pretix

2. Mai 2017

As planned, we today release the second stable version of pretix roughly one month after the first release. Big thanks go out to Alexey Kislitsin, BenBE, Jahongir, Jan Felix Wiebe, jlwt90, Matthew Emerson, morrme, and Tobias Kunze who contributed to this release. ❤️

This release contains one large new feature for pretix and a large number of small ones. It is now available for installation via pip. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the next few hours.

New feature: Add-On products

The big new feature in 1.3.0 are add-on products. Add-on products allow you to define products that your customers can buy in addition to a base product. A common example would be if you have a conference ticket as your base product and a number of optional, additional workshops that can only be bought together with a conference ticket. Using add-on products for this usecase help you to associate participants with their booked workshops in case of group orders.

You can use all of pretix' quota management features for add-on products as well and you can charge additional fees for the add-on products. You could also use this e.g. for optional meals like a conference dinner that not everyone might attend.


New feature: Email template preview

When editing the texts of emails in the event settings, there is now a "Preview" button that allows you to check if the email looks okay with values filled in for the placeholders. Additionally, it is no longer possible to save an email text containing invalid placeholders.

New feature: Minimum number of a ticket per order

You can now not only limit the maximum total number of times a specific product can be bought within an order but also the minimal number of times. You can find this option with the availability settings when modifying a product. This can be useful to create discounted group tickets.

New feature: Attendee emails

You can now ask your users for one email address per attendee instead of per order if you want to communicate to the attendees directly. At the moment, you can only export those addresses from pretix but not send emails there using pretix.

Smaller changes and bugfixes

  • It is now possible to change the communication language for a specific order in the control panel.

  • The date and time pickers in the control panel are now much less frustrating to use as they no longer set the default time to your current time. Also, when editing date ranges, the "end" field automatically shows you a date picker starting at the selected date of the "start" field.

  • Variations can now have descriptions themselves.

  • The "orders by product" bar chart in the statistics view now displays correct data again.

  • The invoice layout has been changed slightly to allow for longer event slugs.

  • When configuring a currency for an event you can now only choose from ISO 4217 currency codes.

  • The default webserver config now sets the X-Content-Type-Options and Referrer-Policy headers.

  • Decimal number formatting in some exports now respects the event's locale correctly.

  • Clicking on product pictures on the shop frontpage now opens a lightbox again.

  • Some texts in the UI have changed to be more clear.

  • Data exports no longer leave some browsers in an unusable state after download.

  • You can now choose the product category during product creation.

  • Quota calculation is now a bit faster.

  • Log entries caused by administrators are now displayed with a red identity card symbol instead of a pretix logo.

  • Administrator users can now set custom domains when editing an organizer.

  • When creating a new product, it is now consistently added as the last product in its category. Before, it might have been shown as the last in the backend, but sorted further above in the shop.

  • The order list CSV export now has a correct headline again.

  • The payment settings no longer show input fields for disabled languages.

  • The <br> HTML tag is now allowed in rich text input fields to do linebreaks inside paragraphs.

  • pretix' settings storage system is now available as a standalone library.

Changes to official plugins

  • pretix-pages, a mini-CMS inside pretix, now supports copying page contents from one event to another event if you chose the "copy settings from" during event creation. This feature is included in pretix-pages 1.1.4.

Plugin API changes

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist der Gründer und Haupt-Entwickler von pretix. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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