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Release 1.9.0 of pretix

3. Nov. 2017

Following our monthly release schedule, we today release the next stable version of pretix. Big thanks go out to Ben Hagan, domke, Jakob Schnell, Sean Perkins, and Tobias Kunze, who contributed to this release. ❤️

This release contains a large feature we have been working on for multiple months that allows you to embed your ticket shop into your event website. Additionally, we fixed lots of small issues and added minor features to the interface and our API.

pretix 1.9.0 is now available for installation via pip. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the next few hours. All customers of pretix Hosted are already using the new version and do not need to take any action.

New feature: Embeddable widget

We are very proud to say that you can now embed your ticket shop into your website. What you see above is not a screenshot of a pretix shop, but a fully functional shop in itself. Go ahead and try it out!

This allows your customers to quickly buy their ticket while browsing your website without even needing to leave your page. Only on mobile devices, the checkout flow will open in a new tab.

There is no limit to your creativity on how you style the shop and make it fit your website well. We've assembled some information for you on how to set up and configure the new pretix widget in our documentation and we are excited to see how you will use it.

Read documentation

New feature: Facebook tab

As a logical extension of the widget for your website, you can now also embed your ticket shop directly inside your Facebook page by adding the pretix page tab.

All events newly created on pretix Hosted will have this feature enabled by default, older events need to activate the plugin "Facebook tab integration" first. You can then go to Event settings → Widget and click the button to add the tab to your facebook page. You then need to visit the tab on your facebook page and select the event again to complete the setup.

If you want to see how it looks, you can try it out on our Facebook page!

New feature: Event-spanning reports

With the new release, pretix Hosted customers can now create flexible reports and statistics that are not only limited to reports on one single event, but allow combining the data of multiple events at a time. You can choose the data type to operate on, set a multitude of optional filters and define the rows and columns by which the data should be aggregated.

Once you created a set of those filters, you can save the configuration as a report profile and re-use it later at any time. We expect this to be very convenient especially for our customers who run large numbers of events at the same time, but even to organizers of yearly conferences it might be interesting to have an easy way of comparing the numbers of multiple years.

Smaller changes and bugfixes

  • It is now possible to split an order into multiple separate orders.

  • A new field "internal reference" has been added to invoice addresses and invoices.

  • When extending the deadline of an order, you can now choose to ignore that the quota is empty.

  • The questions view during checkout now shows all selected add-ons for each position to make it easier to assign them.

  • The administrative interface now clearly marks all optional fields with the text "Optional".

  • It is now again possible to set the timezone of your user account. This timezone will be used for event-spanning views such as your personal dashboard or global reports.

  • The cart and the expiry countdown is now shown on all pages of the checkout process. The countdown is now calculated using a time synchronized with the server time.

  • Redeeming a voucher that is only valid for an inactive product now gives a meaningful error message.

  • Fixed a bug that lead to display of the wrong email address on the order confirmation page after the cart isolation change in 1.8.

  • Fixed a bug that lead to the buttons "view order as user" and "show email history" were missing for canceled and refunded orders.

  • It is now possible to simultaneously remove the last position from an order and add a new position.

  • An exception in the PayPal plugin has been fixed that might occur on failed payments.

  • The global list of events now shows sold tickets instead of free tickets in the quota column.

  • When creating blocking vouchers or manually marking orders as paid, unserved entries on the waiting list are now ignored in the quota calculation.

  • Inconsistent behavior of date and time pickers has been fixed.

  • Payment reminder emails now have a better fitting subject if automatic order expiry is disabled.

  • The list of questions now shows the assigned products in a new column.

  • The performance of the event front page has been improved by making more use of caching and reducing the overall query load.

  • Long multiple-choice fields now have "all" / "none" shortcut options to make the selection easier.

  • Changing an email address of an order is no longer logged if it is not actually changed.

  • The add-on selection view during checkout now consistently orders the positions in the same order as the questions view.

  • A quota calculation issue during add-on selection has been fixed. It is now possible to select and deselect add-ons for multiple positions at the same time in all cases.

  • The public organizer event list can now be filtered by event attributes using ?attr[attr_name]=value query parameters.

Changes to official plugins and tools

  • pretix-wirecard has been released in version 0.5.2 for compatibility with pretix 1.9.

  • pretix-pages has been released in version 1.2.2 to improve performance by making more use of caching.

  • pretix-sepadebit has been released in version 1.2.2 to add German translations of some strings.

  • pretix-banktool has been released in version 0.2.1 to fix an issue with the bank data parser.

REST API changes

  • Getting the list and details of categories, items, questions, or quotas now requires the can_change_items permission.

  • Write operations for tax rules have been implemented.

  • Write operations for vouchers have been implemented.

  • The field internal_reference has been added to the Invoice and and Order.invoice_address resources.

  • Some first write operations for orders have been implemented.

Plugin API changes

Thank you very much!

Some of the improvements in this release have been possible as a result of the support received by the BMBF via the PrototypeFund.

Thank you very much for supporting our open source efforts!

If you are interested in sponsoring us to work on specific features, please get in touch with us.

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist der Gründer und Haupt-Entwickler von pretix. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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