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pretix at BEST OF EVENTS 2018

22. Nov. 2017

From 10th to 11th of January next year, pretix will be present with a booth at Best of Events 2018 in Dortmund. This will be the first time for us presenting pretix at a trade fair and we are excited for this chance to meet interesting contacts throughout the event business.

We would be delighted to welcome you at our booth to talk with you about ticketing, attendee management, check-in solutions, and open source software.

If you are planning to come by, please drop us a line at sales@pretix.eu! We are able to provide our customers, contributors, and all other users of pretix or persons interested in working with pretix in the future with a free ticket to the fair.

Our booth will be located at position B08 in hall 4 of the Westfalenhallen in Dortmund.

See you there!

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist der Gründer und Haupt-Entwickler von pretix. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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