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pretix wins first prize at Thomas Krenn Award

13. April 2018

For the eight consecutive year, the German server manufacturer Thomas Krenn presented their Thomas Krenn Award at this year's Chemnitz Linux Days last month.

We are proud to announce that pretix, one of over 10 open source projects nominated for this year's Thomas Krenn Award, received the highest ratings of the jury and was therefore awarded the first prize.

We want to express our congratulations to all the other projects awarded together with us: The second prize was awarded to Teckids e.V., a non-profit organization supporting use of open source software in education and youth projects. The third prize was awarded to Home Assistant, an open source toolkit for home automation systems. Unfortunately, we weren't able to attend the ceremony ourselves.

We want to thank Thomas Krenn for equipping us with a €3000 budget for their online shop as part of the prize. We spent the money for their Low Energy Systems that we will use as a platform for development of offline features for event networks, as well as a storage unit for backups.

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist der Gründer und Haupt-Entwickler von pretix. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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