
Release 1.15.1 of pretix

11. Mai 2018

The current stable release 1.15.0 contained a few little errors that we fix in this follow-up release 1.15.1. In particular, we are fixing the following bugs:

  • The new badges plugin did not work on pip-based installations due to a packaging error. Thanks to robbi5 for reporting and fixing!

  • When a voucher that set the price to zero has been applied to a product with variations, the price change was not performed. Instead, the product's original price remained active. Thanks to Max Rink for reporting!

  • Adding multiple dates to an event series was not possible when no date exists. Thanks to Felix Rindt for reporting and fixing!

  • On the shop front page, the event end time is now only shown when it's actually set. Before, you could end up with a line only containing "End: ".

pretix 1.15.1 is now available for installation via pip. The new docker images will appear on Docker Hub over the next few hours. We apologize for any caused inconvenience.

Raphael Michel

Raphael ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von pretix und leitet unsere Entwicklungsabteilung. Er begeistert sich für benutzerfreundliche, elegante Software und wenn er nicht zu beschäftigt mit pretix ist, organisiert er gerne selbst Konferenzen mit.

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